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Like it or not, the car you drive provides clues to your character and sense of style (so choose wisely).
For some, a car is so much more than just a means of getting from A to B. It can be an expression of personal style, taste, character and lifestyle. Drivers of smaller vehicles, for example, are probably more concerned with their carbon footprint and fuel consumption. They most likely live in cities or dense urban areas, where parking and roads are tight. Sports-car lovers are most likely thrill seekers, while SUV drivers are inclined to enjoy road trips and weekends in the countryside. And those who love silver cars are likely to be the most tech-savvy drivers on the road… so says the unscientific research, anyway.
A good match
Whether or not you believe your car says something about your personality, research suggests that we can in fact judge a driver by their car. Take one study by German psychologists Georg Alpers and Antje Gerdes. In trying to determine whether people could match car owners to their cars, separate photos were taken of cars and their owners. Of the 60 photo pairings collected, 41 were correctly matched by the study’s judges. How did they get this right? Of the visible cues available from the photos, the judges could make a good guess at the car owners’ ages and income levels and use this information to match them to their cars. Interestingly, the car owners’ physical attractiveness did not predict which car was theirs.
Getting attached
In one US study that examined people’s loyalty to brands – in this case, motor vehicle brands – attachment was revealed as a good predictor of certain kinds of behaviour, including willingness to pay a premium price, willingness to defend the brand when under attack and inclination to purchase the brand again. The car owners surveyed who were most attached to their car brand were more willing to choose the same brand again, rather than try something new.
Make it personal
Just as there’s no ‘typical’ driver of any particular type of car, there’s no ‘typical’ MINI driver. But with personalised options for the MINI Clubman’s interior and exterior, and with packages and accessories that’ll let you drive where you want and how you want, you’ll be able to create the unique set-up that lets your car reveal who you really are.
For the changemaker
You’re a design innovator, a social activist, and an unapologetic individual. You speak your truth, and you’re constantly thinking of ways to do things better, differently. Your biggest problem? You’ll keep tweaking and changing things in your search for that elusive perfection. Probably best, then, that you spend some time on the MINI Configurator. Customise your MINI Clubman to your heart’s content, picking exterior colours from Moonwalk Grey to Midnight Black, Melting Silver, Thunder Grey, Chili Red, British Racing Green and more. Then, move on to the personalised packages and interior options, where making changes is even more fun.
For the techie
Maybe you’re an up-and-coming app designer, who cracks open code to see how it works. Or maybe you’re a screen queen with a different device for every day of the week. Either way, being plugged-in is a priority. MINI Connected seamlessly integrates your smartphone, apps and the MINI Connected app with your MINI – which is equipped with its own SIM card. So you have new ways of interacting with your car, including smart voice control, remote services or your personal concierge. All this, plus smart navigation that learns frequently visited destinations, considers real-time traffic information and gets you from A to B even more effectively.